The recently announced creation of regular Supporters Focus Groups will be hosted by Tony Taylor (Vice Chairman) and Richard Petty (Director/General Manager) on a monthly basis, the idea behind this is as simple and as basic as you can get, the club wants to know what you think and what you want and to be able to hopefully answer questions that you may have.
Large groups do tend to get a bit unwieldy and non productive so it is thought each meeting will consist of about 20 supporters meeting with Tony and Richard in a relaxed environment to discuss the issues that matter to our supporters.
We hope that each month the 20 supporters will be different thus giving us a wider spectrum of views and desires.
The first forum will be held in the Patrons Lounge here at the club on Wednesday 16th September strating at 7pm.
If you would like to attend then please either email the club at, heading your email September Forum, or alternatively ring the club offices on 01252 320 211 and ask to have your name registered.
In the event that in excess of the desired 20 register the first 20 will be registered for the September Forum, subsequent calls or emails will be added to the October Forum and so on.